Loughborough Schools Foundation


Nick was appointed in April 2021 to manage the selection, procurement and implementation of a single MIS System to replace 4 separate SIMS Solutions across a multi-school Foundation. The implementation reduced the number of ancillary systems whilst improving functionality and integration, making financial savings, and improving accuracy, efficiency and parental engagement.  The procurement phase was completed in July 2022 and iSAMS was selected following a thorough and detailed selection process. The project successfully went live in April 2023 following the successful merging of eight source databases and 14 smaller data sources. The Schools are already recognising the benefits of the new system and Loughborough Schools Foundation is now an iSAMS Reference Site.  

By allowing for a large number of ancillary systems to be decommissioned, the iSAMS project will reduce costs sufficiently to more than pay for itself over the next 5 years. 

Procurement Process

Implementation Process

Next Steps

Following the success of the iSAMS MIS project, Nick was retained to procure and deliver a replacement Payroll and HR System. During the Procurement Phase, LSF Selected MHR iTrent, and Nick has been working with the LSF HR and Payroll Teams to transition from entirely separate HR and Payroll Systems to a fully integrated HR and Payroll solution. This system successfully went live in May 2024. 

Nick continues to be retained by the Loughborough Schools Foundation and is currently working on implementing a reporting solution that will continue the digital transformation of the schools and maximise the benefits that the schools obtain from the new systems. 


Please see these examples where Nick has helped other Schools achieve their goals


If you are looking to change your organisation's MIS or HR and Payroll Solution, please contact me here or on LinkedIn